The 2011 Journeys of the Spirit Festival in Rome


The JOSP Fest event, the International Festival of Itineraries of the Spirit took place in Roma. The JOSP Fest promoted the experience of journeys of faith, enhancing the encounter between peoples, territories and religious-cultural traditions in a scenographic and emotional context that fuses history, religion, culture and technology.
This was the 2011 JOSP Fest's website.
Content is from the site's 2011 archived pages, as well as other outside sources.

JOSP Fest is an event of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, an activity of the Vicariate of Rome, Department of the Holy See, at the direct dependence of the Cardinal Vicariate of the Holy Father. The technical organization of the III Edition of JOSP Fest has been entrusted to Studio Ega, who for 40 years has worked in the world of events.

Rome expected to welcome one million pilgrims for JOSP Fest
Josp Fest is the result of the continuing popularity of religion and spirituality as motivation for travel.
This type of travel, or pilgrimage, which dates as far back to Egyptian Empire when out-of-towners streamed into the city to attend religious festivals, has over the years become associated with stereotypes such as niche market and trips for adults of a certain age.
Josp Fest, however, is the great opportunity to help eliminate those stereotypes and to retrain the tourism industry to focus on the dynamic aspects of the pilgrimage experience.


An aside: Because of the Covid pandemic, traveling to Rome is a whole lot different than it was in 2011, the last year for the JOSP Fest International Festival of Itineraries of the Spiri. I had to cancel my travel plans to Italy at the beginning of 2020 when that country was so hard hit with Covid 19. NY's shut down followed quickly in early Spring. The idea of traveling anywhere is out of the question. No vacations. No Thanksgiving or Christmas travel for me.

On November 3, 2020, the Italian government issued a decree enacting new health measures to restrict the spread of COVID-19. Valid until December 3, 2020, this decree imposes a nationwide curfew, extends protections in place requiring the use of masks country-wide, permits regional officials to restrict access to public locations, and requires the closure of facilities such as gyms, museums, swimming pools, cinemas, and theaters, amongst others. NYC officials where I live have just issued a new public warning Dec 2 2020 advising at-risk people to take heightened precautions as hospitalizations hit their highest citywide levels since early June. They've doubled in 3 weeks. The good news is that New York expects enough Pfizer doses by Dec. 15 to vaccinate 170,000 people, assuming the process continues at its current pace, and about 40,000 initial allocations from Moderna this month. Both vaccines require two doses. Nursing home staff and patients will get top priority. It can't be too soon. However, since I am not in a top priority group, I suspect I won't be getting the vaccine till the spring. Fortunately as a graphics designer I have been able to continue working from home. More importantly, I didn't have any of my clients drop me and I have actually picked up a couple of new clients. One of them shocked me when they claimed they were opposed to mask mandates and had no intention of getting vaccinated. Fortunately I don't have to meet with them in person, but I was curious as to their legal standing in taking that position here in NYC. So when I got the opportunity, I asked Benjamin Pred, former Queens Assitant District Attorney and now a corporate lawyer in NYC about it. He said no one will be forced by law to get vaccinated or to wear a mask, but anyone not complying will definitely feel the dismay of their neighbors. And laws may change if the virus explodes further. I really hope it doesn't come to that. Please be a good neighbor and protect everyone by wearing a mask and getting the jab as soon as it's available!



The first two editions of JOSP Fest were successful in that they showed the need to redefine a new paradigm in the tourism industry and to meet the challenges of a global and rapidly evolving society that is searching for meaning, values and morals. This demand can be transmitted only through a mix of sensations, emotions and rational thinking.

SETTING. The religious-cultural history of Rome is the ideal landscape for JOSP Fest. The new location near the Vatican represents an opportunity to create a real connection between the festival, its visitors and the Holy See.

ACCESSIBILITY. The center of Rome is easily reachable by all walks of life. The participants can easily navigate the city and visit the most important sites. In addition, the thousands of tourists who find themselves in Rome during the festival will encounter proposals and projects tied to the itineraries of the spirit.

TERRITORY. JOSP Fest becomes an event of the City of Rome. It becomes an important annual appointment and helps to build a new festival tradition in the city and the surrounding territories.

DEMAND. In spite of the economic crisis, the itineraries of the spirit that JOSP Fest celebrates and promotes are seeing exponential growth and therefore providing the businesses and agencies that operate in this industry with the city center as their stage only amplifies their importance. At a time when new instruments are needed, faith and culture can be proposed in new ways that are captivating to diverse people.

VISIBILITY. JOSP Fest is already considered a national and international media success, but now its presence in the city takes the festival’s visibility up a notch. The festival and the city become the center of attention during its four-day period.

INTEGRATION. The festival promotes encounters amongst the people of the world. The history of the City of Rome can be described as a mosaic of diverse cultures and therefore it represents the ideal location where people from the continents of the worlds can meet and grow both professionally and personally.

CELEBRATION. The universal language of the arts – music, dance, theatre and film – that JOSP Fest promotes will be celebrated in venues that have a religious-cultural context that will only enrich the experience.

The 2011 JOSP Fest is...

JOSP Fest, Journeys of the Spirit Festival, is a laboratory of ideas and experiences that promote a new way of life – the Pilgrim Lifestyle. The Pilgrim Lifestyle is a journey to embark on is more than just the moment of travel, and instead becomes a discovery of the interior and an opening to God, to others, in their diversity, and in respect for creation.
The Pilgrim Lifestyle is embodied in all the moments and methodologies of JOSP Fest, and it serves as the guideline of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi’s great event of communication. The Festival and its contents go beyond the normal boundaries asking its participants to reflect and act in their lives.
The participants are encouraged to deconstruct their own world. They want to broaden their horizons, encounter new people, learn about different cultures and expand their perspective.
The pilgrim lifestyle is for any person who has placed at the center of life important values and who is inclined to be:
- responsible
- civil and kind
- respects themselves and the earth
- open to spiritual encounters
- soul searcher
- believes in the power of prayer and meditation
- adventurous spirit
- interested in new, meaningful experiences
- bridge builder
- enjoys dialogue
- willing to cross borders
- good listener
- interested in solidarity

Who is interested?

The people who embrace the Pilgrim Lifestyle make thoughtful choices about how to live on this earth. They are not interested in popular trends or fads, but instead adhere to certain values and ideas that are fundamental for a spiritually and culturally enriched life.
They enjoy and embark on journeys of the spirit that place them in direct contact with other people and cultures. They are responsible, respectful and civil. They are open and interested, and more importantly they are able to see the world from different points of view.


JF Trade Workshop

JOSP Fest is a unique occasion for tourism industry: the JOSP Trade Workshop gives industry leaders the opportunity to present new products and services that promote the Pilgrim Lifestyle promotion. More than 80 buyers from all over the world will participate in the event.

The JOSP Trade Workshop will be held from 3-4 June at the Auditorium Conciliazione.


Think Tank

The first worldwide tourism Think Tank will be an open discussion between tourism experts and players, as well as opinion makers who will provide insight and direction about the evolution of the industry, tourists and pilgrims in post modernity. This project creates a interdisciplinary and innovative ideas and is also the place where leaders and businesses can find answers.

The goals of the think tank are:

- Promote sustainable development and social responsibility associated with tourism as both an economic area and a social expression, according to a human centered approach;

- Create an opportunity to discuss and communicate the changes that influence demand in the market;

- Create the first significant worldwide network of people and organizations, opinion leaders and opinion makers in the tourism industry.
Themes: Environment and Communication.

A special website will gather and house all the statistical data that can be used by the experts who are part of the project. These experts can also participate in the discussion and contribute by sharing their opinion on the annual topics.




JOSP Fest is a real festival, in the true sense of the word festival. That means that at 360 degrees.

Through a number of diverse events, JOSP Fest will celebrate the ideas and experiences that are the Pilgrim Lifestyle.

The arts as an expression of culture and spirituality are at centre stage at JOSP Fest. Using various artistic mediums, including music, theatre, dance and film, the ideas, experiences and thoughts that emerge at JOSP Fest will be manifested though these mediums.


City – walking or biking

A guided “journey” helps visitors to discover the streets and piazze that host the JOSP Fest exhibition space.

This journey of art, culture, religion and history begins at Largo di Torre Argentina and continues downtown passing along Santa Maria sopra Minerva, the Pantheon, Sant’Agostino, San Luigi dei Francesi, Piazza Navona, Piazza Pasquino, the Chiesa Nuova, Piazza Orologio and concludes at Castel Sant’Angelo.

The journey will tell a story of Rome that is filled with rich curiosities. A short movie, with audio-guide, will immerse the visitor in the “journey.”



JOSP Fest will be held in diverse piazze and streets in Rome that with their rich history will give life to the festival and its exhibitors! Each day of the festival street artists will perform in different areas helping to animate the festival. Rome, the city of Pope Benedict XVI, was chosen as the host city for Josp Fest because it’s the capital of Christian faith and the only city in the world that has had 2.000 continuous years of Christianity. Rome, rich in religious sites and monuments, is the place to begin a spiritual journey, and its central geographical location also makes it the ideal departure point for pilgrims to take off from and visit the rest of the religious world. Rome also has a great capacity to receive people. The city is known for its elasticity and its people are highly regarded for their ability to receive visitors of all cultures with open arms.

The festival will be held in the following locations:

Via della Conciliazione – exhibitors/partners
Created in 1936 after the demolition of the historical district of “Spina di Borgo,” following the Patti Lateranensi (02/11/1929) between Italy and the Vatican City. It was inaugurated during the 1950 Jubilee and it links the Vatican to the capital city. Built in a Neoclassical style, it creates a corridor that leads directly to St. Peter’s Square and offers a magnificent scenery of the Basilica.

Piazza Farnese - exhibitors/partners
It was designed in the 17th century and dates back to when the Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (of the Ducat of Parma) bought several buildings in the area, in order to change the urban plan to create Palazzo Farnese. The project was commissioned to Andrea Sangallo il Giovane.

Piazza Navona – exhibitors/partners
Rome’s most beautiful Baroque piazza follows the original shape of the Stadio di Domiziano that once stood on this site. Here the Romans used to play the Agoni, the athletic contests. No other piazza in Rome is more theatrical, day and night there is always something going on in the pedestrian area surrounded by the Baroque facades of the palazzi including Sant’Agnese in Agone and the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi.

Via San Nicola de Cesarini - exhibitors/partners
The Church of San Nicola de Cesarini once stood on this site, in the Pigna district. Between 1926 and 1929, many buildings were demolished and the Sacred Area of Torre Argentina, together with the Church, were discovered. The remains of the medieval Church of San Nicola de Calcario were found underneath.

Piazza del Gesù - exhibitors/partners
The square holds the 16th century Church of Jesus. This was the first Jesuit church built in Rome, desired by Ignazio di Loyola who founded the Compagnia di Gesù. It is a typical example of the Counter-Reformation Baroque architecture.

 Piazza di Spagna – concerts
Rome’s most famous piazza is full of life all day and night. Its name comes from the Spain’s Embassy to the Holy See located here since the 17th century. In the 18th century the area was just as popular as it is today, attracting artists in seek of inspiration and visitors from all over Europe. It holds the Fontana della Barcaccia, designed by Bernini, located at the bottom of the Spanish Steps. These are the magnificent steps that lead to Trinità dei Monti, where everybody sits after visiting downtown and enjoy this unique scenery in the world.

 Auditorium Conciliazione - seminars, conferences, b2b
The Auditorium Conciliazione is the location dedicated to the tourism industry. It will be the place where product presentations, one-to-one meetings between buyers and sellers and in-depth discussions regarding the themes of the festival will be held. In addition, some special events will be held inside the Auditorium Conciliazione.

Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia - mass
The Basilica dates back to the 12th century. Built on the site of the Schola Saxorum, an institution founded in the 8th century by King Ine of Wessex that attended to the Saxon pilgrims in Rome. It was linked to the Hospital of Santo Spirito by Pope Sixtus IV in the 15th century. After the Sack of Rome left it in ruins in 1527, the Basilica was rebuilt in 1538 by Antonio da Sangallo and the facade was completed in 1590 by Ottaviano Mascherino (following the Sangallo project) at the behest of Pope Sixtus V.




Ambrogio Sparagna Friday, 3 June - Piazza di Spagna

After his successful appearance at the WOMEX in Copenhagen, considered the most important international world music fair, Ambrogio Sparagna will conduct the Orchestra Popolare Italiana at JOSP Fest.
Taranta d’amore is a show dedicated to Italian popular tradition. The public is the protagonist of the event and is directly invited to participate. The energy of the rhythm, the unique sounds of popular instruments and the use of dialects all work together to enchant the audience.
Sparagna was born in Maranola, close to Latina, in 1957. He studied Ethnomusicology at the University of Rome, together with Diego Carpitella. He also taught Ethnomusicology at the Ottava Università in Paris. He also composed a popular Mass for the Jubilee. In 2006, he was designated counselor for Popular Music by the Ministerial Committee for the Protection and Promotion of Popular Traditions.
He was Concert Grandmaster for “La Notte della Taranta” festival, and now the director of the Orchestra Popolare italiana, that is always following him on his international tour with a rich directory that embrace the traditions of many Italian regions. The Orchestra is made up of: Clara Graziano, Silvia Gallone, Valentina Ferraiuolo, Cristiano Califano, Raffaello Simeoni, Ottavio Saviano and Diego Micheli.


Tenor Josè Carreras accompanied by Gladys Rossi and David Giménez - Saturday, 4 June - Piazza di Spagna

The Grandmaster Josè Carreras, born in Barcelona in 1946, has been singing from the very start. He sang as a soprano at the Gran Teatre of Liceu in the plays Nabucco and Lucrezia Borgia when he was only 11-years old. Then at the mature age of 18 he became a tenor and from that moment on he debuted in some of the most prestigious theaters and festivals in the world including the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, the New York Metropolitan Opera House, the San Francisco Opera and the London Royal Opera.
English critic, Alan Blyth saw a young Carreras in the Maria Stuarda performance at the Royal Festival Hall and recalled, "It was one of those occasions when one immediately and instinctively recognizes that one is in the presence of a new and very special talent … a profoundly beautiful tenor, a vivid presence of a born communicator.”
He has also worked with the most important orchestra directors such as Herbert von Karajan, Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Lorin Maazel, Riccardo Chailly, Colin Davis, Giuseppe Sinopoli and with important directors as Franco Zeffirelli, Jean Pierre Ponnelle, Giorgio Strehler, Luigi Comencini and Harold Prince. His concerts with Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo became very popular as they became the “Three Tenors.”
Carreras has won numerous awards such as the Grand Prix du Disque de l’Academie in Paris, a Grammy Award in 1991, the Sir Laurence Olivier Award, the Gold Medal at the New York Spanish Institute, the Gold Medal for Art from His Majesty the King of Spain, the Albert Schweitzer Music Award in 1996 and the Classical BRIT Awards in 2009.
He is also the Honorary President at the London Arts Orchestra, Cavalier and Grand Officer of Italy, the Medal of Honor recipient from the Bavarian government, Commandeur de la Médaille du Sahametrei of the Cambodian government and an Ambassador of Goodwill of UNESCO.
He was diagnosed with leukemia in 1988, but overcame the disease and returned to the stage. He is the enthusiastic president of the Josè Carreras International Leukaemia Foundation that today remains one of his most important priorities.

Gladys Rossi was only eight-years-old when she started studying violin and piano in the music school of Belleria, close to Rimini, her home town. She started her vocal studies in 2001 and debuted playing Gilda in Rigoletto, at the Busseto Theater in 2003, under the auspices of the “Arturo Toscanini” Foundation.
She later sang in France in Le Nozze di Figaro in January 2004 and interpreted Gilda of Rigoletto again in Piacenza in April of the same year. In 2006 she had a great success as Frasquita in Carmen at Teatro Regio in Turin. The following year she was Musetta in La Bohème at Teatro Comunale of Bologna and later interpreted the role of the Night Queen in Die Zauberflote in Bilbao
She has continued to perform and most recently was Nannetta in Falstaff at the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome in 2010 and Oscar in Un Ballo in Maschera at the G. Verdi Theater in Salerno.
She has accompanied the grandmaster Carreras in concerts and this year she will do it again now at JOSP Fest.

Master David Giménez will conduct the orchestra playing for Josè Carreras. He started his musical studies in the Conservatory of Liceu in Barcelona, and then he went into study at Hochschule für Musik in Vienna and lastly at the Royal Academy of Music in London, with Sir Colin Davis.
He debuted in Hamburg with the City Symphony Orchestra. He has directed singers and orchestras all over the world in concert halls, such as the Zurich Tonhalle, the London Symphony, the Chicago Symphony, the Orchestre de Paris, the Royal Opera House Orchestra of Covent Garden and the Philharmonia Orchestra de Londres.
In regards to his symphony concerts direction, Giménez has worked with important interpreters, such as Yo-Yo Ma and Vadim Repin. He directed in the Staatsoper of Vienna (Carmen and Sly), in the Deutche Oper of Berlin (Aida), in the Gran Teatre de Liceu of Barcelona (Sly), in the Teatro Real of Madrid (La Bohème) and in many others.


Gospel Mass with Chicago High Spirits - Sunday, 5 June - Santo Spirito in Sassia - h.11.00

Chicago High Spirits is made up of some of the strongest and most brilliant gospel voices in the world. The group describe themselves as “five African American solo singers with a common wish to lead the public to a special and secret place through the sound of their faith and musical joy.” The group’s members are: Joy Garrison, Crystal White, Orlando Johnson, Charlie Cannon and Davide Pistoni, who also plays the piano.
Chicago High Spirits were born as a pure musical project to help teach the public about the real meaning and history of the spiritual melodies proposed. They use music and the intensity of their voices to captivate their audience.
Passing along the main stages of the extraordinary music and human journey that led to blues, jazz and soul music in the African American culture, every track is a celebration of past and present life, a spiritual elevation. It is a mystical show in which the songs connect the group directly to the audience.


JOSP Orchestra  - Piazza Navona

Music has always been a universal, artistic medium. It goes beyond words to find new meaning elsewhere - in sound, in melodic and harmonic conduct, in tonal quality and in the quality of silence. Music is also one of the most beautiful artistic expressions in that it touches the deepest cords of the human soul.
This is why the III Edition of Josp Fest has a real symphony orchestra. The JOSP Orchestra wants to explain Journeys of the Spirit through the music, the universal language for excellence that is recognized and appreciated regardless of the cultural differences of the world.
The 55 elements of the JOSP Orchestra were selected by Master Maurizio Trippitelli. He has extensive experience in that he has accompanied Master Sergio Rendine since 1995, and he currently teaches percussion instruments at F. Morlacchi Conservatory in Perugia.
Under the direction and musical supervision of Trippitelli, the JOSP Orchestra will rework several themes belonging to different styles and cultures and perform tracks of classical, lyrical, jazz, pop and ethnic music.
The JOSP Orchestra will also accompany the extraordinary concert of Josè Carreras that will be held at Piazza di Spagna on Saturday, 4 June




JOSP Fest Inaugurates its III Edition in the heart of Rome

 In the ideal setting of Rome, Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, an activity of the Vicariate of Rome, Department of the Holy See, today inaugurated its III Edition of JOSP Fest, Journeys of the Spirit Festival.

JOSP Fest Hosts II Trade Workshop

For the second year JOSP Fest, Journeys of the Spirit Festival, that will be held in the center of Rome from the 2-5 June, will host the JOSP Trade Workshop and a series of other events and initiatives focused on business-to-business.

4 June: Grand Master Josè Carreras at JOSP Fest

International tenor Josè Carreras, best known for his exhibition in “The Three Tenors” with Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo in 1990, will perform at JOSP Fest, Journeys of the Spirit Festival, on Saturday, 4 June at 21.30



Festival celebrating pilgrimage gets underway in Rome

By David Kerr Jun 2, 2011 /

Rome is hosting a gathering that would be unusual in almost any other city-- a festival showcasing possible pilgrimage destinations from 31 different countries.

The Journeys of the Spirit Festival, or JOSPFest, is bringing over 120 exhibitors from 31 countries to the Italian capital to promote their particular locations as destinations for pilgrimage.

“We’re trying to spread the word about pilgrimages and the beauty of traveling,” said the press officer for the festival, Rosamaria Mancini.

“We think that people are looking for a type of tourism that’s a little bit deeper. We think that people don’t just want the sun and the sand, that people are looking for something that stimulates them in some sort of way,” Mancini told CNA June 2.

The organizers predict that over a million people will descend on Rome to take part in the festival. For those in the tourist business there are numerous seminars, debates and trade shows.

For everybody else, there are stalls all around the city advertising hundreds of destinations as well as numerous cultural events. One event sure to draw a crowd will be a performace by Spanish tenor Jose Carreras, who will perform at Rome’s Piazza di Spagna on the evening of Saturday, June 4. In addition, a 57-piece orchestra will be playing every day at the nearby Piazza Navona. All events are free and open to the public.

This year’s theme connecting all the events is “The Pilgrim Lifestyle.”

“The pilgrim lifestyle is really an interesting way of life,” said Mancini.

“The idea with a pilgrim lifestyle is that the values that come along with that journey of the spirit – building bridges, interacting, dialogue, being respectful, being kind - those values don’t have to end after you finish your pilgrimage. You can use them and implement them in your everyday life afterwards.”

This is the third Journeys of the Spirit Festival in Rome. Organizers are hoping to make it an annual event.



JOSP Fest chooses downtown district of Rome to showcase 3rd edition

By Mario Masciullo, eTN -May 30, 2011 /

(eTN) – JOSP Fest, the International Festival of the Itineraries of the Spirit, will hold its 3rd edition in the most important downtown squares and streets of Rome and open up to broader and more diverse audiences.

The four-day festival created by Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi (ORP), a travel activity of the Vicariate of Rome, Department of the Holy See, celebrates pilgrimages and traveling. It is a festival for anyone interested in discovering the world from a special perspective with the aim of becoming a global citizen.

After the previous editions – conducted as a laboratory inside a trade show, Liberio Andreatta, vice president of Orp, said, “JOSP Fest has finally settled in Rome, in [its] natural place.” While the mayor of Rome, Mr. Gianni Alemanno, emphasized the importance of cooperation with ORP and added, “We can finally offer to tourists and pilgrims coming to Rome a unique and coordinated combination between religious and tourist attractions.”

This year’s theme, the “Pilgrim Lifestyle,” is a spiritual and cultural way of life that focuses on important values including the belief in the power of prayer and meditation and also seeks to opens a dialogue and cross borders. The “Pilgrim Lifestyle” is the discovery of one’s own interior and opening to God. JOSP Fest includes a series of conferences, seminars, workshops, and the arts to showcase this way of life and to stimulate pilgrims of all ages and faith.

“JOSP Fest needed a setting that would more easily facilitate contacts with the general public and allow visitors to participate in a diachronic reading of the past “What better place than Rome,” said Father Caesar Atuire, CEO of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi. The most important streets and squares of Rome will host the festival’s exhibitors and partners, while the Auditorium Conciliazione will host the planned conferences and seminars of this 3rd edition. Josè Carreras and Ambrogio Sparagna will be among the top stars to perform in concerts to be held at Rome’s most famous city icon – Piazza di Spagna.

For this 3rd edition, Studio Ega, with more than 40 years of experience in events, will handle the organizational aspects. They will implement many green aspects promoted by the European Union for Sustainable Energy Europe. This means that JOSP Fest will be environmentally friendly: all materials used in the construction of the exhibition space, in accordance with energy saving initiatives, are “green.”

JOSP Fest is also the place where the think tank in international tourism will meet and attend at the JOSP Tourism Summit. This exclusive closed-door meeting will be the venue to discuss and share information about the behavior and habits of the modern pilgrim traveler. It will also be the place to create a blueprint for their future travel – a model that brings this category of travelers in contact with new cultures, ideas, and people in order to create a better world.

“There is a need to redefine a new paradigm in the tourism industry and to meet the challenges of a global and rapidly-evolving society that is searching for meaning, values, and morals,” said Father Atuire. This year’s JOSP Trade Workshop, organized by Comitel & Partners, will be an opportunity for buyers and sellers who work in the field of tourism to meet and discover the opportunities that exist in this area. The workshop is being held at a time when new instruments are needed and spirituality and culture can be proposed in ways that are captivating to many people. More than 80 buyers and sellers are expected to participate.

JOSP Fest has also gone social with a special initiative inviting pilgrims and believers of all ages to share what they take along on an important journey, be it comfortable walking shoes or a prayer card. The initiative, “What must you take along on your journey?” is already attracting much attention.